TouchVG framework
girecordcanvas.cpp 文件参考
#include "girecordshape.h"
#include "girecordcanvas.h"
#include "mgshapes.h"
#include "mgshapet.h"
#include "mgstorage.h"
#include <string>
girecordcanvas.cpp 的引用(Include)关系图:

struct  CmdSetPen
 The class for recording 'setPen'. 更多...
struct  CmdSetBrush
 The class for recording 'setBrush'. 更多...
struct  CmdClearRect
 The class for recording 'clearRect'. 更多...
struct  CmdClipRect
 The class for recording 'clipRect'. 更多...
struct  CmdDrawRect
 The class for recording 'drawRect'. 更多...
struct  CmdDrawLine
 The class for recording 'drawLine'. 更多...
struct  CmdDrawEllipse
 The class for recording 'drawEllipse'. 更多...
struct  CmdBeginPath
 The class for recording 'beginPath'. 更多...
struct  CmdMoveTo
 The class for recording 'moveTo'. 更多...
struct  CmdLineTo
 The class for recording 'lineTo'. 更多...
struct  CmdBezierTo
 The class for recording 'bezierTo'. 更多...
struct  CmdQuadTo
 The class for recording 'quadTo'. 更多...
struct  CmdClosePath
 The class for recording 'closePath'. 更多...
struct  CmdDrawPath
 The class for recording 'drawPath'. 更多...
struct  CmdClipPath
 The class for recording 'clipPath'. 更多...
struct  CmdDrawHandle
 The class for recording 'drawHandle'. 更多...
struct  CmdDrawBitmap
 The class for recording 'drawBitmap'. 更多...
struct  CmdDrawTextAt
 The class for recording 'drawTextAt'. 更多...

通用矢量图形框架, 版权所有 (C) 张云贵 2004-2017,BSD 开源许可证