TouchVG framework

◆ setPen()

virtual void GiCanvas::setPen ( int  argb,
float  width,
int  style,
float  phase,
float  orgw 
pure virtual

Set attributes of the current pen to stroke edges.

argbStroke color, ignored if equals to zero, alpha = (argb>>24) & 0xFF, red = (argb>>16) & 0xFF, green = (argb>>8) & 0xFF, blue = argb & 0xFF.
widthLine width in point unit, ignored if <= 0.
styleLine dash type (& kLineDashMask), ignored if < 0. 0:solid line, 1:dash line, 2:...., 3:-.-.-, 4:-..-.., 5:null line, >5:customized line. Round end caps for solid line, flat end caps for the four dash types.
phaseDash pattern's offset in point unit.
orgwOrginal line width, >0: in 0.01mm unit, 0: 1px, <0: in point unit.

GiGdipCanvas, GiShapeAdapter, GiCanvasAdapter, GiRecordCanvas , 以及 GiSvgCanvas 内被实现.


通用矢量图形框架, 版权所有 (C) 张云贵 2004-2017,BSD 开源许可证