TouchVG framework
| Public 成员函数 | Private 成员函数 | Private 属性 | 所有成员列表
GiGdipCanvas类 参考

使用GDI+实现的画布适配器类. 更多...

#include <GiGdipCanvas.h>

类 GiGdipCanvas 继承关系图:
Inheritance graph

struct  Impl
 GiGdipCanvas 的内部实现类 更多...

Public 成员函数

 GiGdipCanvas ()
virtual ~GiGdipCanvas ()
bool beginPaint (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc)
 给定绘图设备DC,开始绘制 更多...
bool beginPaintBuffered (int width, int height, COLORREF bkcolor=(COLORREF) -1)
 给定缓冲位图的大小,开始绘制并清除背景 更多...
void endPaint ()
 结束绘制 更多...
void clearWindow ()
 使用背景色清除显示 更多...
bool drawCachedBitmap (int x=0, int y=0, bool secondBmp=false)
 显示上次缓存的内容 更多...
bool drawCachedBitmap2 (GiGdipCanvas &cv, bool secondBmp=false, int x=0, int y=0)
 显示另一个画布的上次缓存的内容 更多...
void saveCachedBitmap (bool secondBmp=false)
 缓存显示的内容 更多...
void clearCachedBitmap (bool clearAll=false)
 清除后备缓冲位图,以便重新绘图 更多...
bool hasCachedBitmap (bool secondBmp=false) const
 返回是否有已缓存的显示内容 更多...
bool isBufferedDrawing () const
 返回当前是否在缓冲位图上绘图,调用endPaint()前有效 更多...
GiGdipCanvasthumbnailImage (int maxWidth, int maxHeight)
 从缓冲位图生成指定宽高上限的缩略图,该图为新画布对象的缓冲位图 更多...
bool save (const wchar_t *filename, long jpegQuality=100)
 将缓冲位图保存到文件中 更多...
void setPen (int argb, float width, int style, float phase, float orgw)
 Set attributes of the current pen to stroke edges. 更多...
void setBrush (int argb, int style)
 Set attributes of the current brush to fill shapes. 更多...
void clearRect (float x, float y, float w, float h)
 Clear `rect' (that is, set the region within the rect to transparent). 更多...
void drawRect (float x, float y, float w, float h, bool stroke, bool fill)
 Fill or stroke `rect' (w>0, h>0) with the current color. 更多...
void drawLine (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2)
 Stroke a line with the current color. 更多...
void drawEllipse (float x, float y, float w, float h, bool stroke, bool fill)
 Fill or stroke a ellipse with a corner and size (w>0, h>0). 更多...
void beginPath ()
 Start a new path. 更多...
void moveTo (float x, float y)
 Ready to add a subpath to the current path at the start point. 更多...
void lineTo (float x, float y)
 Add a line segment to the current subpath. 更多...
void bezierTo (float c1x, float c1y, float c2x, float c2y, float x, float y)
 Add a cubic bezier segment to the current subpath. 更多...
void quadTo (float cpx, float cpy, float x, float y)
 Add a quadratic bezier segment to the current subpath. 更多...
void closePath ()
 Close the current subpath of the path added by beginPath(). 更多...
void drawPath (bool stroke, bool fill)
 Draw and clear the current path added by beginPath(). 更多...
void saveClip ()
 Save the current clipping path. 更多...
void restoreClip ()
 Restore the current clipping path. 更多...
bool clipRect (float x, float y, float w, float h)
 Intersect the current clipping path with `rect'. 更多...
bool clipPath ()
 Intersect the current clipping path with the path added by beginPath(). 更多...
bool drawHandle (float x, float y, int type, float angle)
 Draw a symbol (GiHandleTypes) whose center will at (x, y). 更多...
bool drawBitmap (const char *name, float xc, float yc, float w, float h, float angle)
 Draw a image whose center will at (xc, yc). 更多...
float drawTextAt (const char *text, float x, float y, float h, int align, float angle)
 Draw text in one line. 更多...
- Public 成员函数 继承自 GiCanvas
virtual ~GiCanvas ()
virtual float drawTextAt (GiTextWidthCallback *c, const char *text, float x, float y, float h, int align, float angle)
virtual bool beginShape (int type, int sid, int version, float x, float y, float w, float h)
 Ready to draw a shape. 更多...
virtual void endShape (int type, int sid, float x, float y)
 Complete to draw a shape. 更多...

Private 成员函数

bool getEncoder (const wchar_t *filename, wchar_t format[20], CLSID &clsidEncoder)
void _beginPaint ()

Private 属性



- Public 类型 继承自 GiCanvas
enum  {
  kLineDashMask = 0xFFF, kLineCapDefault = 0, kLineCapMask = 0x70000, kLineCapButt = 0x10000,
  kLineCapRound = 0x20000, kLineCapSquare = 0x40000, kAlignLeft = 0, kAlignCenter = 1,
  kAlignRight = 2, kAlignHorz = 0xF, kAlignTop = 0, kAlignBottom = 0x10,
  kAlignVCenter = 0x20, kAlignVert = 0xF0




通用矢量图形框架, 版权所有 (C) 张云贵 2004-2017,BSD 开源许可证